
Inherent vice songs
Inherent vice songs

inherent vice songs

(.) Inherent Vice ist eines von Thomas Pynchons unwiderstehlichsten Büchern" - Thomas David, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (.) Der Blick verliert sich im Dunst Duft von Nebel liegt in der Luft der angenehme Geruch der Wüste unter dem Straßenpflaster: Pynchon beschreibt die halluzinative Atmosphäre seiner mal in abgetönten Pastellfarben, mal in grellem Neon-Pop gezeichneten Kifferphantasie wirklich sehr schön. " Inherent Vice ist Helter-Skelter Inherent Vice ist Pynchons Big Lebowski, in dem Pynchons Dude, der Hippie Doc Sportello, im Los Angeles der späten sechziger Jahre den chandleresken Helden mimt.But the ideas are less intensely applied than in Pynchon’s previous books." - Ludovic Hunter-Tilney, Financial Times A subplot about a proto-internet system links surfers waiting on their boards for the perfect wave with net-heads at their computers searching for swells and patterns of information. (.) The intellectual game play is characteristically dazzling. "A manic, although by Pynchon’s usual standards surprisingly comprehensible, plot ensues.It's almost surreal." - Sean Howe, Entertainment Weekly (.) The new Pynchon: a beach read and a heartstring puller. But the nicest surprise of all is the heart-on-sleeve wistfulness that finally peeks through the comic riffing, in the descriptions of Sportello's undying love for Shasta and an elegiac appreciation of the era. Savor it instead for Pynchonian linguistic flights and slapstick set pieces. "(A)s with Chandler's infamously impossible-to-follow plots, sleuthing the case is hardly the point of Inherent Vice.(.) I suspect that he wrote Inherent Vice in hopes of aligning himself with today’s readers I don’t feel he invested much in his characters, who rarely transcend cartoon level." - Carlo Wolff, Christian Science Monitor The book confounds, entertains, and stumbles in almost equal measure. "I liked its wit, style, and grasp of locale, but deplored its cavalier way with plot.So why are we here? The doubt breaks in, dispelled before long by Pynchon’s deadly invention and the wit and unique lilt of his writing." - Richard Eder, Boston Globe Quite unlike the classic thriller, whose mounting suspense rides upon mounting belief, we are instructed: Don’t believe. (.) It can be exhausting, like a masquerade party where the continual procession of extravagant arrivals eventually palls. Not a romantic or sentimental requiem but, as with an epitaph, a haunted phrase carved in unyielding granite. "(H)ere the spoofery is mixed with a requiem of sorts for a culture long gone.Surprisingly readable period-piece, good and good fun General information | review summaries | our review | links | about the author Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs.

Inherent vice songs